becoming from undoing
"A fallen blossom
returning to the bough, I thought —
But no, a butterfly."
–Arakida Moritake, Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology
Whether blossom or human being, life is fragile and temporary. When in Moritake's poem a butterfly appears to fall up, retaking its position on the branch, death, birth,
and the living beauty of the blossoming tree coincide, rendering the distinction between fallen blossom and butterfly irrelevant.
The artistic relevance of an encounter between the chemistry of ceramic materials and the creative genius of organic life can be found in returning to the primitive atmosphere of early Earth, where clay crosses boundaries between living and non-living, all organisms to come already contained within it. Falling up invites us to undo conventional notions of human primacy and separation from nature, to embrace the profound porosity between categories of living beings, becoming more empathetic members of the entire biological community.
July 10 - August 15, 2020
*To ensure the safety and security of visitors to our gallery and in accordance with the City of Chicago's guidelines, a limited number of visitors will be allowed into the gallery at the same time. Reservations can be made by contacting sofia@rhoffmangallery.com or through Tock (www.exploretock.com).*
1711 West Chicago Avenue . Chicago, Illinois 60622 . T: 312.455.1990
https://www.rhoffmangallery.com . contact@rhoffmangallery.com

Chris Garofalo

March 11 - July 25, 2020
artists pictured L to R: Heather Rasmussen, Chris Garofalo, Todd Gray.
photo: Robert Wedemeyer

6820 Santa Monica Boulevard . LA, CA 90038 . https://www.bridgeprojects.com
info@bridgeprojects.com . 323-591-2771 . Wed – Sat, 11 am – 6 pm